yellow bells
Emmanthe penduliflora
California yellow bells
whispering bells
golden honey plant
yellow ironweed
golden ironweed
Verbesina alternifolia
Actinomeris alternifolia
Verbesina helianthoides
Enceliopsis nudicaulis
water mat
celandine poppy
wood poppy
water carpet
Stylophorum diphyllum
Chrysosplenium americanum
creosote bush
Larrea tridentata
Ipomoea coccinea
star ipomoea
red morning-glory
Fritillaria recurva
scarlet fritillary
ball nightshade
Solanum carolinense
ball nettle
Packera aurea
Senecio aureus
golden groundsel
golden ragwort
horse nettle
bull nettle
Thermopsis macrophylla
golden pea
yellow pea
false lupine
Lindera benzoin
spice bush
marsh elder
Benjamin bush
American spicebush
Benzoin odoriferum
sweet pepperbush
white alder
pepper bush
Clethra alnifolia
summer sweet
violet wood sorrel
Hymenoxys grandiflora
woolly daisy
dwarf daisy
Tetraneuris grandiflora
Scabiosa arvensis
Antheropeas wallacei
Indian mallow
old man of the mountain
Oxalis violacea
field scabious
Sida spinosa
St Andrews's cross
Eriophyllum wallacei
alpine sunflower
Hypericum crux andrae
devil's flax
Linaria vulgaris
wild snapdragon
genus Piqueria
genus Chaenactis
Hibiscus moscheutos
large yellow lady's slipper
Hamamelis virginiana
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
Leonotis nepetifolia
pineapple weed
Talinum augustissimum
Aletris farinosa
ague root
Leonotis nepetaefolia
Napaea dioica
Matricaria matricarioides
glade mallow
ague grass
Virginian witch hazel
rayless chamomile
genus Heterotheca
narrow-leaved flame flower

English words for 'viscid herb of arid or desert habitats of southwestern United States having pendulous yellow flowers'

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