Centaurium scilloides
tufted centaury
Listera ovata
Chrysanthemum coronarium
crown daisy
grass poly
Lythrum hyssopifolia
hyssop loosestrife
Teucrium chamaedrys
wall germander
European sanicle
Sanicula Europaea
Cephalanthera rubra
red helleborine
Corydalis solida
St. Dabeoc's heath
stemless carline thistle
Daboecia cantabrica
Connemara heath
Carlina acaulis
cheddar pink
Cistus albidus
white-leaved rockrose
Diangus gratianopolitanus
tassel hyacinth
Linnaea borealis
Solidago bicolor
Dianthus supurbus
Muscari comosum
fringed pink
Lychnis flos-cuculi
ragged robin
Lychins floscuculi
cuckoo flower
Silene caroliniana
Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae
Greek valerian
Polemonium van-bruntiae
grass pink
Jacob's ladder
wild pink
cottage pink
lesser twayblade
Listera cordata
Polemonium caeruleum
Dianthus plumarius
Phalaenopsis amabilis
common mallow
Erica lusitanica
Portuguese heath
butterfly plant
Spanish heath
Malva neglecta
Physostegia virginiana
white lily
Cheiranthus cheiri
Althea rosea
Lilium candidum
Lent lily
obedient plant
Madonna lily
false dragonhead
ground pink
moss pink
Alcea rosea
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Annunciation lily
Erysimum cheiri
false dragon head
rose mallow
Gymnadenia conopsea
fragrant orchid
sweet white violet
upland white aster
Viola blanda
white violet
Linosyris vulgaris
Malope trifida
male orchis
Orchis mascula
woodland white violet
Aster ptarmicoides
early purple orchid
butterfly orchid
Lamium amplexicaule
butterfly orchis
Aster linosyris
genus Primula
Orchis papilionaceae

English words for 'tufted perennial of western Europe and Azores having bright pink to white flowers'

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