Pityrogramma calomelanos
silver fern
Pityrogramma argentea
Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava
golden fern
genus Pityrogramma
hand fern
Doryopteris pedata
Pityrogramma chrysophylla
gold fern
Athyrium pycnocarpon
silvery spleenwort
narrow-leaved spleenwort
Diplazium pycnocarpon
glade fern
Phyllitis scolopendrium
Asplenium scolopendrium
hart's-tongue fern
Polypodium aureum
golden polypody
serpent fern
rabbit's-foot fern
Phlebodium aureum
Helminthostachys zeylanica
flowering fern
Fumaria fungosa
Allegheny vine
Adlumia fungosa
climbing fumitory
Lygodium palmatum
Dryopteris marginalis
marginal wood fern
Acrostichum aureum
evergreen wood fern
creeping fern
genus Anemia
Hartford fern
leather fern
leatherleaf wood fern
dagger fern
staghorn fern
Christmas fern
canker brake
Polystichum acrostichoides
Cryptogramma crispa
genus Vittaria
fan fern
scented fern
Sticherus flabellatus
checkered lily
Gleichenia flabellata
European parsley fern
Mohria caffrorum
mountain parsley fern
umbrella fern
Cyathea medullaris
black tree fern
Alpine woodsia
holly fern
wooly lip fern
Tectaria macrodonta
genus Myroxylon
boulder fern
hairy lip fern
silver tree fern
flower-cup fern
Indian button fern
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Woodsia alpina
Carpenteria californica
green spleenwort
Cheilanthes lanosa
northern woodsia
hay-scented fern
sago fern
Asplenium viride
white snapdragon
Antirrhinum coulterianum
Polystichum aculeatum
Cyrtomium aculeatum
silver fir
brittle bladder fern
fragile fern
Cystopteris fragilis
brittle fern

English words for 'tropical American fern having fronds with white undersides'

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