yellow pimpernel
Lysimachia nemorum
Euphorbia amygdaloides
wood spurge
Christmas rose
black hellebore
Helleborus niger
winter rose
Ulex europaeus
Lonicera caprifolium
Italian woodbine
Irish gorse
Italian honeysuckle
fly honeysuckle
American fly honeysuckle
Jupiter's beard
Lonicera canadensis
Anthyllis barba-jovis
false heather
golden heather
Hudsonia ericoides
great yellow gentian
Gentiana lutea
Genista hispanica
Spanish gorse
Spanish broom
oakleaf goosefoot
yellow twining snapdragon
Myrtus communis
Antirrhinum filipes
Chenopodium glaucum
oak-leaved goosefoot
common myrtle
common allamanda
yellow ironweed
golden trumpet
meadow salsify
devil's milk
golden honey plant
shepherd's clock
Euphorbia helioscopia
Allamanda cathartica
Verbesina alternifolia
golden ironweed
Actinomeris alternifolia
Tragopogon pratensis
sun spurge
creeping St John's wort
Welsh poppy
Meconopsis cambrica
Hypericum calycinum
dog's mercury
celandine poppy
Stylophorum diphyllum
yellow cleavers
greater celandine
Chelidonium majus
wood poppy
swallow wort
Althea officinalis
yellow bedstraw
Senecio bigelovii
Mercurialis perennis
Our Lady's bedstraw
Galium verum
marsh mallow
white mallow
dog mercury
nodding groundsel
king's spear
wild hydrangea
yellow salsify
Asphodeline lutea
Tragopogon dubius
Helenium autumnale
Hydrangea arborescens
yellow asphodel
autumn sneezeweed
Arnoseris minima
dwarf nipplewort
mountain andromeda
Pieris floribunda
false wintergreen
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
Pyrola americana
lamb succory
mountain fetterbush

English words for 'trailing European evergreen with yellow flowers'

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