Berteroa incana
hoary alyssum
hoary alison
oakleaf goosefoot
Chenopodium glaucum
oak-leaved goosefoot
shepherd's pouch
Capsella bursa-pastoris
shepherd's purse
Plantago media
Ornithogalum umbellatum
summer snowflake
sleepy dick
hoary plantain
dog mercury
dog's mercury
Mercurialis perennis
Euphorbia esula
leafy spurge
wolf's milk
Anthemis tinctoria
yellow chamomile
golden marguerite
dyers' chamomile
creeping buttercup
heath aster
Scleranthus annuus
Aster ericoides
Ranunculus repens
creeping crowfoot
Verbesina virginica
wild morning-glory
shepherd's clock
Centaurea solstitialis
Barnaby's thistle
Convolvulus arvensis
Tripleurospermum inodorum
scentless false camomile
white mullein
Matricaria inodorum
Tragopogon pratensis
meadow salsify
scentless hayweed
yellow star-thistle
field bindweed
scentless camomile
Verbascum lychnitis
scentless mayweed
Virginia crownbeard
corn mayweed
boar thistle
Anthyllis barba-jovis
Celosia argentea
spear thistle
Jupiter's beard
Cirsium vulgare
red fox
Cirsium lanceolatum
bull thistle
Roman nettle
wild snapdragon
purslane speedwell
Urtica pipulifera
Linaria vulgaris
Veronica peregrina
devil's flax
genus Cheiranthus
Asarum europaeum
Zigadenus elegans
alkali grass
Euphorbia amygdaloides
upland white aster
wood spurge
Aster ptarmicoides
Syringa josikea
Syringa josikaea
Hungarian lilac
Centaurea nigra
black knapweed
lesser knapweed
Allium ampeloprasum
Levant garlic
Aster arenosus
wild leek
Dryas octopetala

English words for 'tall European annual with downy grey-green foliage and dense heads of small white flowers followed by hairy pods; naturalized in North America; sometimes a troublesome weed'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "tall European annual with downy grey-green foliage and dense heads of small white flowers followed by hairy pods; naturalized in North America; sometimes a troublesome weed". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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