Stapelias asterias
Cape tulip
Haemanthus coccineus
stemless carline thistle
Carlina acaulis
Chimaphila corymbosa
Chimaphila umbellata
western prince's pine
bird of paradise
Erica tetralix
Adenium obesum
bell heather
kudu lily
Adenium multiflorum
desert rose
impala lily
cross-leaved heath
mock azalia
Cirsium heterophylum
flowering tobacco
Jasmine tobacco
Nicotiana alata
Dorotheanthus bellidiformis
melancholy thistle
Cirsium helenioides
livingstone daisy
Indian paintbrush
painted cup
genus Mesembryanthemum
Protea cynaroides
Strelitzia reginae
star grass
king protea
goat's foot
satyr orchid
Coeloglossum bracteatum
marsh gentian
Gentiana pneumonanthe
Oxalis caprina
calathian violet
Solanum rostratum
buffalo bur
Anthemis tinctoria
European cranberry bush
Lathyrus sylvestris
golden marguerite
narrow-leaved everlasting pea
Viburnum opulus
wall germander
dyers' chamomile
tassel hyacinth
Muscari comosum
guelder rose
cranberry tree
yellow chamomile
European cranberrybush
Teucrium chamaedrys
flat pea
European pasqueflower
Anemone pulsatilla
genus Malvastrum
Ranunculus repens
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Lamium amplexicaule
creeping buttercup
creeping crowfoot
white cockle
bladder campion
Kniphofia uvaria
Silene latifolia
white campion
evening lychnis
Lychnis alba
poker plant
Berteroa incana
Narcissus jonquilla
purple avens
chocolate root
spring heath
purple mullein
hoary alison
Geum rivale
Indian chocolate
Erica carnea
winter heath
water avens
Verbascum phoeniceum
hoary alyssum

English words for 'stapelia of Cape Province having mostly dark red-brown flowers with flat starlike corollas'

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