pussy willow
Salix discolor
silky willow
silver willow
Salix sericea
Salix alba sericea
Vaccinium ovatum
evergreen huckleberry
Austrocedrus chilensis
Chilean cedar
Kalmia latifolia
mountain laurel
American laurel
wood laurel
calico bush
hoary willow
Sanguinaria canadensis
Salix caprea
Comptonia peregrina
sage willow
sweet fern
goat willow
Salix candida
florist's willow
Comptonia asplenifolia
common moonseed
Canada moonseed
Menispermum canadense
yellow parilla
vinegar tree
Rhus glabra
Eriophyllum lanatum
golden yarrow
scarlet sumac
smooth sumac
Mitchella repens
dwarf sumac
northern white cedar
black sumac
white cedar
American arborvitae
mountain sumac
Thuja occidentalis
shining sumac
Rhus copallina
fool's huckleberry
genus Fabiana
spice bush
Menziesia ferruginea
American spicebush
false azalea
dwarf willow
Benjamin bush
Salix herbacea
Lindera benzoin
Benzoin odoriferum
box huckleberry
swamp willow
hoary puccoon
Salix nigra
Indian paint
Lithospermum canescens
black willow
Gaylussacia brachycera
cranberry tree
Vaccinium scoparium
grouse whortleberry
American cranberry bush
Viburnum trilobum
cranberry bush
highbush cranberry
Plantago rugelii
broad-leaved plantain
rugel's plantain
Zanthoxylum fraxineum
Gnaphalium sylvaticum
Picea glauca
American red elder
toothache tree
white spruce
Zanthoxylum americanum
Gentiana saponaria
red-berried elder
soapwort gentian
sea ash
Sambucus pubens
stinking elder

English words for 'small willow of eastern North America having greyish leaves and silky catkins that come before the leaves'

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