broad-leaved twayblade
Listera convallarioides
Aplectrum hyemale
Malaxis ophioglossoides
green adder's mouth
fen orchid
fen orchis
Liparis loeselii
round-leaved rein orchid
Habenaria orbiculata
Habenaria nivea
snowy orchid
coastal rein orchid
Zigadenus elegans
Habenaria albiflora
Habenaria greenei
white fringed orchid
white fringed orchis
alkali grass
hooded ladies' tresses
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
spider orchid
Brassia verrucosa
Erechtites hieracifolia
Hubricht's bluestar
Comptonia asplenifolia
Comptonia peregrina
sweet fern
Lonicera dioica
Pieris floribunda
yellow honeysuckle
purple-fringed orchis
mountain andromeda
mountain fetterbush
Habenaria psycodes
purple-fringed orchid
dog hobble
Boykinia occidentalis
Leucothoe editorum
Coeloglossum bracteatum
satyr orchid
Leucothoe fontanesiana
coast boykinia
dog laurel
Boykinia elata
Clethra alnifolia
calico bush
summer sweet
Habenaria dilatata
bog rein orchid
mountain laurel
prairie white-fringed orchis
sweet pepperbush
Habenaria leucophaea
wood laurel
Kalmia latifolia
bog candles
American laurel
white alder
pepper bush
prairie orchid
false azalea
fetter bush
Hydrangea arborescens
Menziesia ferruginea
ragged orchis
shiny lyonia
Shortia galacifolia
oconee bells
fool's huckleberry
American fly honeysuckle
ragged orchid
ragged-fringed orchid
green fringed orchis
Aster acuminatus
Lyonia lucida
wild hydrangea
Habenaria lacera
Lonicera canadensis
whorled aster
fly honeysuckle
blue-eyed Mary
five-point bishop's cap
Mitella pentandra
blue toadflax
Linaria canadensis
Collinsia verna
Fritillaria affinis
old-field toadflax
genus Calopogon

English words for 'small orchid with two elliptic leaves and a slender raceme of small green flowers; western North America'

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