genus Callirhoe
Oxalis violacea
violet wood sorrel
herb robert
herb roberts
herbs robert
Geranium robertianum
Gomphrena globosa
bachelor's button
globe amaranth
purple boneset
Joe-Pye weed
marsh milkweed
Eupatorium purpureum
trumpet weed
genus Suksdorfia
Cardamine douglasii
purple cress
genus Penstemon
genus Achimenes
Silene virginica
fire pink
Symphytum officinale
genus Trilisa
genus Heterotheca
common comfrey
genus Abronia
genus Ageratum
Cornus stolonifera
red osier
American dogwood
red osier dogwood
genus Episcia
red dogwood
genus Gloxinia
wild coffee
Tussilago alpina
alpine coltsfoot
mission bells
tinker's root
Triostium perfoliatum
horse gentian
Fritillaria biflora
Eupatorium maculatum
spotted Joe-Pye weed
Homogyne alpina
black fritillary
Oregon lily
Columbia tiger lily
Aster novi-belgii
New York aster
genus Veronica
Lilium columbianum
Michaelmas daisy
Culver's physic
Fritillaria mutica
Fritillaria affinis
rice-grain fritillary
Salvia leucophylla
Culvers physic
genus Ononis
genus Engelmannia
Fritillaria lanceolata
Culvers root
chaparral sage
genus Nierembergia
genus Prenanthes
purple sage
Culver's root
Veronicastrum virginicum
genus Reseda
genus Phacelia
genus Sanvitalia
genus Gesneria
genus Calceolaria
genus Sabbatia
heather bell
Viola rostrata
genus Physostegia
false gromwell
long-spurred violet
bell heather
Erica cinerea
fine-leaved heath
genus Schizopetalon

English words for 'small genus of North American herbs having usually red or purple flowers'

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