Virginia spring beauty
Claytonia virginica
Pachysandra procumbens
Allegheny mountain spurge
Allegheny spurge
Zigadenus elegans
alkali grass
fly honeysuckle
Lonicera canadensis
American fly honeysuckle
Vaccinium angustifolium
low-bush blueberry
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
low blueberry
genus Hazardia
sweet bells
Epigaea repens
Leucothoe racemosa
trailing arbutus
calico bush
American laurel
summer sweet
white alder
mountain laurel
pepper bush
sweet pepperbush
wood laurel
Clethra alnifolia
Kalmia latifolia
fool's huckleberry
Menziesia ferruginea
ground rose
Rosa spithamaea
false azalea
spring beauty
Clatonia lanceolata
Comptonia peregrina
Xerophyllum tenax
Habenaria orbiculata
squaw grass
genus Tellima
sweet fern
bear grass
Comptonia asplenifolia
round-leaved rein orchid
Virginia crownbeard
shining sumac
Allium tricoccum
Mitella pentandra
Prenanthes alba
dwarf sumac
Rhus copallina
Vaccinium caespitosum
white lettuce
black sumac
dwarf blueberry
five-point bishop's cap
mountain sumac
dwarf bilberry
Nabalus alba
wild leek
Weigela florida
Verbesina virginica
Symphoricarpos alba
summer snowflake
common snowberry
Rhus glabra
sleepy dick
smooth sumac
vinegar tree
scarlet sumac
Ornithogalum umbellatum
sweet bay
Magnolia virginiana
swamp bay
swamp laurel
West Indian snowberry
Chiococca alba
Eriophyllum lanatum
heath aster
Leucothoe editorum
Cliftonia monophylla
Aster ericoides
golden yarrow
Leucothoe fontanesiana
buckwheat tree

English words for 'small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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