Gentianopsid procera
Gentiana procera
Gentianopsis crinita
Gentiana crinita
Campanula rotundifolia
blind gentian
closed gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
bottle gentian
meadow cranesbill
Geranium pratense
sundial lupine
Gentiana calycosa
wild lupine
Gentiana quinquefolia
Gentianella quinquefolia
Veronica beccabunga
Lupinus perennis
old-maid's bonnet
European brooklime
ague weed
stiff gentian
explorer's gentian
Indian beet
five-flowered gentian
Gentiana holopetala
old-field toadflax
blue toadflax
Gentianopsis holopetala
Linaria canadensis
Salvia lancifolia
Salvia reflexa
Cynoglossum virginaticum
tufted gentian
blue sage
Aster shortii
Penstemon rydbergii
Short's aster
Rydberg's penstemon
Eupatorium coelestinum
leather flower
tall bellflower
Myosotis scorpiodes
Conoclinium coelestinum
Clematis versicolor
mouse ear
Campanula americana
butterfly pea
Clitoria mariana
heath violet
Viola canina
dog violet
bachelor's button
low-bush blueberry
Viola canadensis
low blueberry
white violet
Lupinus arboreus
Veronica agrestis
Vaccinium angustifolium
Centaurea cyanus
Viburnum prunifolium
Canada violet
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
tree lupine
black haw
tall white violet
field speedwell
blue false indigo
American pulsatilla
Baptisia australis
Anemone ludoviciana
lion's beard
American pasqueflower
Viola pedata
Eastern pasque flower
blue tulip
dryland berry
bird's-foot violet
pansy violet
prairie anemone
Vaccinium pallidum
wood violet
dryland blueberry
wild crocus
Pulsatilla patens
Salvia verbenaca
vervain sage

English words for 'small blue-flowered fringed gentian of east central North America'

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