hairy lip fern
Cheilanthes lanosa
wooly lip fern
Athyrium pycnocarpon
Diplazium pycnocarpon
narrow-leaved spleenwort
silvery spleenwort
glade fern
marginal wood fern
Dryopteris marginalis
evergreen wood fern
leatherleaf wood fern
Doryopteris pedata
hand fern
Austrocedrus chilensis
northern woodsia
flower-cup fern
Chilean cedar
Alpine woodsia
Woodsia alpina
genus Armeria
genus Cassiope
black greasewood
five-fingered maidenhair fern
Adiantum pedatum
Sarcobatus vermiculatus
American maidenhair fern
northern white cedar
American arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis
white cedar
Achillea millefolium
Dirca palustris
genus Hudsonia
purple heather
Brewer's mountain heather
Braun's holly fern
Polystichum braunii
licorice fern
prickly shield fern
Polypodium glycyrrhiza
Phyllodoce breweri
purple rock brake
Picea glauca
Pellaea atropurpurea
white spruce
Woodsia ilvensis
oblong woodsia
Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens
fragrant woodsia
Thelypteris palustris pubescens
snuffbox fern
evergreen huckleberry
rusty woodsia
Vaccinium ovatum
meadow fern
fool's huckleberry
Eriophyllum lanatum
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
boulder fern
brittle maidenhair fern
fragrant bedstraw
Galium odoratum
golden yarrow
toothache tree
Zanthoxylum americanum
sea ash
squaw grass
hay-scented fern
scented fern
Adiantum tenerum
Asperula odorata
brittle maidenhair
Menziesia ferruginea
false azalea
Zanthoxylum fraxineum
Xerophyllum tenax
bear grass
sweet woodruff
desert willow
Chilopsis linearis
Christmas fern
Oregon boxwood
Polystichum acrostichoides
canker brake
dagger fern

English words for 'small North American evergreen fern whose stipes and lower frond surfaces are densely wooly'

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