Linanthus dichotomus
Nemophila maculata
swamp laurel
white snapdragon
swamp bay
sweet bay
Antirrhinum coulterianum
Magnolia virginiana
balloon flower
scented penstemon
wild hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens
Penstemon palmeri
Clintonia uniflora
queen's cup
bride's bonnet
pride of California
Lathyrus splendens
California tree poppy
matilija poppy
Romneya coulteri
Platystemon californicus
mountain andromeda
Pachysandra procumbens
Allegheny mountain spurge
mountain fetterbush
Pieris floribunda
Allegheny spurge
Collinsia heterophylla
Sphacele calycina
Calochortus nuttallii
Erythronium californicum
sego lily
pitcher sage
Lepechinia calycina
fawn lily
Collinsia bicolor
purple chinese houses
Gypsophila paniculata
baby's breath
fringed pink
Linanthus dianthiflorus
moss pink
ground pink
pitch apple
tidy tips
snow orchid
Fraxinus dipetala
Collinsia parviflora
Clusia rosea
Clusia major
Eburophyton austinae
Papaver californicum
maiden blue-eyed Mary
flowering ash
phantom orchid
strangler fig
western poppy
Layia platyglossa
Carpenteria californica
Penstemon dolius
Jones' penstemon
Fritillaria micrantha
Weigela florida
summer sweet
Clethra alnifolia
brown bells
sweet pepperbush
pepper bush
white alder
Fritillaria parviflora
Calochortus albus
white fairy lantern
Penstemon rydbergii
fringe bush
white globe lily
Rydberg's penstemon
Chionanthus virginicus
Alpinia speciosa
false miterwort
Tiarella unifoliata
shell ginger
Languas speciosa
baby blue-eyes
false mitrewort
Nemophila menziesii
Alpinia Zerumbet
Amelanchier bartramiana
Bartram Juneberry

English words for 'small California annual with white flowers'

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