taken the gilt off the gingerbread
broke bread
knew which side one's bread was buttered on
took a bite out of
took the cake
bit the biscuit
ate ass
had one's cake and ate it too
was on someone's nuts
ate one's seed corn
ate shit
ate away
took a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut
took aback
ate from the palm of someone's hand
egging on
did gooseberry
ate it
took a flying fuck at a rolling donut
ate the seed corn
ate something up with a spoon
ate someone's lunch
came off
ate and left no crumbs
got off on
rose to the bait
ate out of the palm of someone's hand
bit off
ate like a bird
bit the dust
ate one's heart out
took offense
kept one's eyes peeled
came clean
broke the ice
went to seed
ate out
came from a Cracker Jack box
ate the baby
gave someone the eye
ate up
took someone's fancy
took action