took a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut
took a flying fuck at a rolling donut
ate shit
got one's panties in a pretzel
ate ass
ate pussy
went to shit
ate it
came from a Cracker Jack box
began with the chucky
taken the gilt off the gingerbread
gave a flying fuck
went to the mattresses
bit the biscuit
broke bread
knew which side one's bread was buttered on
went down like a cup of cold sick
went potty
went moggy
ran off at the mouth
got one's dick wet
gave a damn
went hungry
got one's panties in a bunch
shat out
took a bite out of
blew it out one's ass
sowed one's wild oats
went crazy
had one's cake and ate it too
rode the cock carousel
did gooseberry
knew one's ass from a hole in the ground
went to the toilet
went for a toss
gave a hoot
got one's panties in a wad
threw a sickie
took the piss
gave one's left nut
took a joke
went down the toilet