Pinus contorta
lodgepole pine
shore pine
spruce pine
shortleaf yellow pine
hickory pine
Pinus pungens
prickly pine
short-leaf pine
shortleaf pine
Pinus echinata
table-mountain pine
jack pine
Pinus banksiana
Scots pine
Scotch fir
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
southern yellow pine
pitch pine
Pinus palustris
longleaf pine
Georgia pine
Lycopodium alopecuroides
foxtail grass
frankincense pine
loblolly pine
Pinus taeda
Celtis laevigata
Quercus incana
myrtle oak
southwestern white pine
seaside scrub oak
Quercus myrtifolia
Pinus strobiformis
bluejack oak
turkey oak
Pinus glabra
pond pine
Pinus serotina
American white pine
Polygala lutea
yellow milkwort
orange milkwort
weymouth pine
Pinus strobus
yellow bachelor's button
eastern white pine
Malus coronaria
American crab apple
garland crab
Sitka willow
red pine
Pinus radiata
Salix sitchensis
Pinus resinosa
silky willow
Monterey pine
Canadian red pine
genus Calycophyllum
genus Agathis
Pinus virginiana
Jersey pine
Virginia pine
scrub pine
Garry oak
Oregon oak
Betula alleghaniensis
Oregon white oak
Betula leutea
Quercus garryana
yellow birch
yellow-eyed grass
Aphrophora saratogensis
Virginian sumac
red bay
Canada plum
velvet sumac
vinegar tree
Persea borbonia
Prunus nigra
staghorn sumac
Rhus typhina
Saratoga spittlebug
western yew
Pacific yew
Taxus brevifolia
California yew

English words for 'shrubby two-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares'

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