bear oak
Quercus ilicifolia
Quercus shumardii
Shumard red oak
Shumard oak
willow oak
Quercus phellos
Quercus bicolor
swamp white oak
swamp oak
northern pin oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
jack oak
coast live oak
California live oak
Quercus agrifolia
pin oak
Quercus michauxii
Quercus laurifolia
swamp chestnut oak
laurel oak
burr oak
Quercus macrocarpa
mossy-cup oak
bur oak
American hazel
Corylus americana
mossycup oak
scrub oak
holm oak
spruce pine
loblolly pine
Quercus ilex
shore pine
frankincense pine
holly-leaved oak
Pinus taeda
lodgepole pine
holm tree
Pinus contorta
evergreen oak
blackjack oak
Quercus marilandica
Menziesia pilosa
Aralia spinosa
Ulmus thomasii
American angelica tree
minnie bush
devil's walking stick
rock elm
chestnut oak
Quercus nigra
table-mountain pine
Pinus pungens
possum oak
water oak
prickly pine
hickory pine
Clematis ochreleuca
American white pine
eastern white pine
Quercus myrtifolia
seaside scrub oak
weymouth pine
Pinus strobus
cedar elm
Ulmus crassifolia
live oak
myrtle oak
stiff aster
European elm
red buckeye
Aster linarifolius
desert oak
English elm
Ulmus procera
Pinus monticola
silver pine
jack pine
Pinus resinosa
blue ash
Canadian red pine
Pinus banksiana
Fraxinus quadrangulata
mountain pine
red pine

English words for 'shrubby oak of southeastern United States usually forming dense thickets'

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