Mount Cook lily
Ranunculus lyalii
mountain lily
parrot's beak
Clianthus puniceus
parrot's bill
New Zealand daisybush
Olearia haastii
Aster falcatus
white prairie aster
Swan River daisy
Brachycome Iberidifolia
Geum canadense
white avens
Iliamna ruvularis
Clianthus formosus
Iliamna acerifolia
Sturt's desert pea
desert pea
mountain hollyhock
Clianthus speciosus
Sturt pea
Plantago media
hoary plantain
genus Griselinia
Galium boreale
Viola blanda
Northern bedstraw
black tree fern
Cyathea medullaris
Northern snow bedstraw
sago fern
silver tree fern
sweet white violet
white violet
woodland white violet
Aster novae-angliae
New England aster
common heath
false lily of the valley
white mullein
Verbascum lychnitis
Maianthemum canadense
Epacris impressa
sagebrush buttercup
Ranunculus glaberrimus
woolly thistle
Scotch thistle
heath aster
scarlet runner
Grevillela parallela
Brachychiton australis
cotton thistle
flame tree
broad-leaved bottletree
silver oak
Kennedia prostrata
Aster arenosus
Onopordum acanthium
Onopordon acanthium
running postman
orange-blossom orchid
Solidago bicolor
tall white violet
genus Pseudowintera
Sarcochilus falcatus
Nemophila maculata
genus Wintera
north island edelweiss
wall germander
Canada violet
Viola canadensis
weeping tree broom
Teucrium chamaedrys
Leucogenes leontopodium
Aster acuminatus
peach bell
peach bells
Prince-of-Wales feather
Cirsium flodmanii
Macadamia integrifolia
Prince-of-Wales fern
Swainsona grandiflora
Swainsona greyana
Campanula persicifolia
Todea superba
willow bell
Leptopteris superba
crape fern
hairy darling pea
Prince-of-Wales plume
whorled aster

English words for 'showy white-flowered perennial of New Zealand'

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