beach plum
beach plum bush
Prunus maritima
Geum triflorum
purple avens
prairie smoke
Amelanchier alnifolia
alder-leaved serviceberry
alderleaf Juneberry
yellow parilla
Canada moonseed
Schizopetalon walkeri
Sidalcea malviflora
Menispermum canadense
wild hollyhock
common moonseed
Symphoricarpos alba
common snowberry
Fritillaria pluriflora
adobe lily
pink fritillary
violet wood sorrel
Oxalis violacea
Oregon grape
Mahonia aquifolium
tree lupine
holly-leaves barberry
Oregon holly grape
Lupinus arboreus
mountain grape
mission bells
Fritillaria biflora
black fritillary
American dewberry
red osier
red dogwood
red osier dogwood
Cornus stolonifera
Northern dewberry
American dogwood
Rubus flagellaris
false dragonhead
Rivina humilis
rouge plant
false dragon head
Physostegia virginiana
obedient plant
blood berry
Wyethia helianthoides
Fritillaria affinis
Fritillaria parviflora
Fritillaria lanceolata
brown bells
white-rayed mule's ears
rice-grain fritillary
Fritillaria micrantha
Fritillaria mutica
ground pink
feijoa bush
Joe-Pye weed
spotted Joe-Pye weed
vinegar tree
dryland blueberry
scarlet sumac
fringed pink
Indian turnip
Eupatorium maculatum
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Rhus glabra
Arisaema triphyllum
dryland berry
smooth sumac
star apple
Vaccinium pallidum
Arisaema atrorubens
moss pink
Chrysophyllum cainito
Cynoglossum virginaticum
yellow clintonia
heal all
Clintonia borealis
purple sage
Phacelia campanularia
Salvia leucophylla
chaparral sage
California bluebell

English words for 'seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit'

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