coral vine
Kennedia coccinea
genus Banksia
genus Kennedya
genus Kennedia
coral bush
flame bush
Australian grass tree
Templetonia retusa
grass tree
Swainsona greyana
Swainsona grandiflora
hairy darling pea
silver quandong tree
Clematis versicolor
quandong tree
Port Jackson heath
Styphelia triflora
Epacris purpurascens
pink fivecorner
Elaeocarpus grandis
blue fig
Brisbane quandong
leather flower
Tetragonia tetragonioides
Grevillela parallela
Kennedia prostrata
scarlet runner
running postman
New Zealand spinach
Tetragonia expansa
silver oak
Vincetoxicum hirsutum
Epacris impressa
Mertensia virginica
common heath
Vincetoxicum negrum
negro vine
red-flowered silky oak
Virginia bluebell
Virginia cowslip
Grevillea banksii
genus Wisteria
red cypress pine
Pyrola elliptica
Allegheny vine
Callitris calcarata
Callitris endlicheri
Fumaria fungosa
Lambertia formosa
Adlumia fungosa
needle bush
black cypress pine
climbing fumitory
mountain devil
Hakea lissosperma
wild lily of the valley
Orites excelsa
Moreton Bay chestnut
prickly ash
Australian chestnut
genus Bougainvillaea
genus Hakea
Telopea Oreades
genus Bougainvillea
purple pea
moor berry
Olearia argophylla
parrot's bill
silver wattle
Carolina allspice
firewheel tree
Acacia dealbata
golden wattle
strawberry shrub
wheel tree
Stenocarpus sinuatus
Calycanthus floridus
bog bilberry
Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum
parrot's beak
Acacia pycnantha
bog whortleberry
Clianthus puniceus
sweet shrub
strawberry bush

English words for 'prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers; Australia and Tasmania'

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