English primrose
Primula vulgaris
Meconopsis cambrica
Welsh poppy
Narcissus jonquilla
buckler mustard
Biscutalla laevigata
leopard plant
wood spurge
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Jupiter's beard
Anthyllis barba-jovis
Anthericum liliago
Canterbury bell
Campanula medium
cup and saucer
yellow bedstraw
dwarf nipplewort
Arnoseris minima
yellow cleavers
St. Dabeoc's heath
lamb succory
Daboecia cantabrica
Galium verum
Our Lady's bedstraw
Connemara heath
Levisticum officinale
brompton stock
Matthiola incana
corn marigold
Spanish broom
Chrysanthemum segetum
Irish gorse
Spanish gorse
Genista hispanica
Gentiana lutea
great yellow gentian
field marigold
Ulex europaeus
Lychnis coronaria
rose campion
European brooklime
Veronica beccabunga
dusty miller
mullein pink
gardener's delight
Euphorbia villosa
Colutea arborescens
bladder senna
Nigella damascena
arnica bud
wood laurel
fall dandelion
yellow ageratum
naked lady
Leontodon autumnalis
Lonas annua
meadow saffron
Chenopodium glaucum
Lonas inodora
autumn crocus
oakleaf goosefoot
spurge laurel
African daisy
Colchicum autumnale
Daphne laureola
oak-leaved goosefoot
scentless camomile
yellow avens
scentless false camomile
Geum strictum
scentless hayweed
Matricaria inodorum
Tripleurospermum inodorum
meadow salsify
corn mayweed
Geum alleppicum strictum
Tragopogon pratensis
scentless mayweed
shepherd's clock
wall rocket
Althea officinalis
marsh mallow
Linaria vulgaris
Diplotaxis muralis
white mallow
Diplotaxis tenuifolia

English words for 'plant of western and southern Europe widely cultivated for its pale yellow flowers'

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