purple milk vetch
Astragalus danicus
sweet violet
garden violet
Viola odorata
English violet
spring vetchling
spring vetch
Lathyrus vernus
Lavandula stoechas
French lavender
xiphium iris
Spanish iris
Iris xiphium
Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii
common spotted orchid
Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Jacob's ladder
Polemonium caeruleum
Greek valerian
Polemonium van-bruntiae
Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae
common speedwell
Veronica officinalis
German iris
Iris germanica
erect bugle
Ajuga genevensis
blue bugle
bush vetch
Vicia sepium
European pasqueflower
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Anemone pulsatilla
heather bell
bell heather
fine-leaved heath
Erica cinerea
Aster novi-belgii
New York aster
lesser knapweed
Michaelmas daisy
Centaurea nigra
goldilocks aster
Linosyris vulgaris
Aster linosyris
black knapweed
Xeranthemum annuum
Aquilegia vulgaris
granny's bonnets
Allium ampeloprasum
Prenanthes purpurea
Mediterranean snapdragon
rattlesnake root
wild leek
Antirrhinum majus
Levant garlic
Scilla verna
Teucrium chamaedrys
sea onion
wall germander
spring squill
Orchis papilionaceae
butterfly orchid
butterfly orchis
cream violet
striped violet
pale violet
Viola striata
Iris kochii
Viola rostrata
greater knapweed
long-spurred violet
Cardamine douglasii
Muscari neglectum
great knapweed
purple cress
common grape hyacinth
Centaurea scabiosa
Veronica serpyllifolia
American brooklime
thyme-leaved speedwell
Veronica americana
Bauhinia monandra
Iris foetidissima
butterfly flower

English words for 'perennial of southern and western Europe having dense racemes of purple or violet flowers'

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