Asclepias purpurascens
purple silkweed
Erigeron pulchellus
robin's plantain
Rhododendron maxima
purple loco
Oxytropis lambertii
purple locoweed
dense blazing star
Liatris pycnostachya
Geranium viscosissimum
purple sanicle
Sanicula bipinnatifida
sticky geranium
purple-fringed orchid
purple-fringed orchis
Habenaria psycodes
cream violet
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
Viola blanda
sweet white violet
white violet
pale violet
striped violet
woodland white violet
Viola striata
large yellow lady's slipper
high mallow
tall mallow
Viola rostrata
downy yellow violet
long-spurred violet
Viola pubescens
Malva sylvestris
Habenaria peramoena
five-flowered gentian
Gentianella quinquefolia
ague weed
meadow beauty
purple fringeless orchis
stiff gentian
purple fringeless orchid
Gentiana quinquefolia
deer grass
Cynoglossum virginaticum
Aster shortii
field scabious
Viorna baldwinii
whorled aster
wood violet
Clematis baldwinii
pine hyacinth
Viola pedata
Lonicera involucrata
Short's aster
Aster acuminatus
bird's-foot violet
Scabiosa arvensis
pansy violet
Fritillaria mutica
Salvia lancifolia
Lilium philadelphicum
Claytonia caroliniana
Salvia reflexa
Carolina spring beauty
wood lily
blue sage
Fritillaria affinis
rice-grain fritillary
Fritillaria lanceolata
mission bells
genus Bletia
Trillium recurvatum
Oxalis violacea
Columbia tiger lily
Lilium columbianum
Centauria calcitrapa
prairie trillium
Oregon lily
prairie wake-robin
violet wood sorrel
American dogwood
red dogwood
Lonicera dioica
yellow honeysuckle
red osier dogwood
Cornus stolonifera
red osier
Cypripedium acaule
moccasin flower

English words for 'perennial of eastern North America having pink-purple flowers'

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