avalanche lily
Erythronium montanum
Verbesina virginica
Virginia crownbeard
Boykinia occidentalis
Boykinia elata
coast boykinia
mountain avens
Dryas octopetala
Zigadenus elegans
Nicotiana tabacum
alkali grass
common tobacco
white lettuce
Veronica peregrina
Dutchman's breeches
Nabalus alba
Prenanthes alba
Dicentra cucullaria
Solidago bicolor
purslane speedwell
fly honeysuckle
Lonicera canadensis
American fly honeysuckle
bastard feverfew
Gaultheria procumbens
Heuchera cylindrica
poker heuchera
poker alumroot
Parthenium hysterophorus
creeping wintergreen
fire pink
Silene virginica
mountain tea
green gentian
Seneka snakeroot
senega snakeroot
senega root
Swertia speciosa
Polygala senega
false azalea
Polygonatum commutatum
Polygonatum biflorum
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia
Frasera speciosa
Menziesia ferruginea
leatherleaf saxifrage
Seneca snakeroot
great Solomon's-seal
senga root
fool's huckleberry
Clethra alnifolia
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
Pyrola americana
pepper bush
sweet pepperbush
summer sweet
white alder
Erigeron divergens
false wintergreen
spreading fleabane
Clintonia uniflora
sweet fern
Aster ericoides
queen's cup
Hydrangea arborescens
heath aster
bride's bonnet
Comptonia peregrina
wild hydrangea
Comptonia asplenifolia
Sida hermaphrodita
snowdrop anemone
Anemone sylvestris
Wyethia helianthoides
Erigeron annuus
prairie mimosa
arrowleaf groundsel
Senecio triangularis
daisy fleabane
Erechtites hieracifolia
red angel's trumpet
white-rayed mule's ears
Virginia mallow
Brugmansia sanguinea
Datura sanguinea
Desmanthus ilinoensis
snowdrop windflower
Eburophyton austinae

English words for 'perennial herb having large white flowers marked with orange; found near the snow line in the northwestern United States'

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