perennial pea
Lathyrus latifolius
broad-leaved everlasting pea
marsh clematis
Clematis crispa
curly clematis
blue jasmine
blue jessamine
New York aster
Aster novi-belgii
Michaelmas daisy
Calystegia sepium
Convolvulus sepium
wild morning-glory
hedge bindweed
Ipomoea quamoclit
Indian pink
Convolvulus arvensis
cypress vine
field bindweed
Quamoclit pennata
Centauria calcitrapa
wild leek
Allium ampeloprasum
Levant garlic
Clematis verticillaris
purple virgin's bower
purple clematis
mountain clematis
sweet white violet
whorled aster
Aster acuminatus
Viola blanda
woodland white violet
white violet
Asclepias purpurascens
purple silkweed
sweet scabious
Centaurea nigra
Scabiosa atropurpurea
pincushion flower
canarybird vine
Tropaeolum peregrinum
mournful widow
common morning glory
canary creeper
lesser knapweed
Ipomoea purpurea
black knapweed
canarybird flower
Hardenbergia comnptoniana
Western Australia coral pea
pale violet
Hibiscus trionum
Viola striata
Japanese morning glory
cream violet
bladder ketmia
black-eyed Susan
striped violet
Ipomoea nil
Viola canadensis
purple locoweed
purple loco
Oxytropis lambertii
robin's plantain
tall white violet
Canada violet
Erigeron pulchellus
Xeranthemum annuum
Plantago media
wild pink
Indian cress
purple fringeless orchis
garden nasturtium
Tropaeolum majus
Habenaria peramoena
hoary plantain
field scabious
purple fringeless orchid
Alcea rosea
rose mallow
Scabiosa arvensis
Silene caroliniana
Althea rosea
Nemophila maculata
lesser wintergreen
Pyrola minor

English words for 'perennial climber of central and southern Europe having purple or pink or white flowers; naturalized in North America'

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