Lithospermum canescens
Indian paint
hoary puccoon
Lithospermum caroliniense
rugel's plantain
broad-leaved plantain
Plantago rugelii
American dogwood
Cornus stolonifera
red osier
red osier dogwood
red dogwood
sage willow
Salix candida
hoary willow
yellow bells
Anthemis tinctoria
Sida hermaphrodita
yellow chamomile
dyers' chamomile
golden marguerite
Virginia mallow
Chinese parasol tree
alkali grass
Berberis canadensis
Japanese varnish tree
Austrocedrus chilensis
Chilean cedar
phoenix tree
American barberry
Zigadenus elegans
Chinese parasol
Firmiana simplex
false gromwell
Rhus ovata
scarlet sumac
Rhus glabra
rush rose
smooth sumac
vinegar tree
Helianthemum scoparium
sugar sumac
red haw
Crataegus mollis
downy haw
Crataegus coccinea mollis
hanging geranium
ivy geranium
Pelargonium peltatum
ivy-leaved geranium
Polygonatum commutatum
golden yarrow
Eriophyllum lanatum
great Solomon's-seal
Polygonatum biflorum
Iresine reticulata
silver berry
squaw grass
bear grass
white spruce
Elaeagnus commutata
Xerophyllum tenax
beefsteak plant
Picea glauca
beef plant
Iresine herbstii
hoary golden bush
black sumac
American laurel
Allegheny mountain spurge
dwarf sumac
Kalmia latifolia
Rhus copallina
Artemisia stelleriana
mountain laurel
pussy willow
shining willow
Allegheny spurge
Griselinia lucida
Pachysandra procumbens
mountain sumac
wood laurel
Salix discolor
shining sumac
old woman
calico bush
dusty miller
Salix lucida
Hazardia cana
beach wormwood
Dryopteris goldiana

English words for 'perennial North American plant with greyish hairy foliage yielding a red or yellow pigment'

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