Urtica dioica
stinging nettle
slough grass
Spartina pectinmata
prairie cordgrass
freshwater cordgrass
bull thistle
spear thistle
Cirsium lanceolatum
boar thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Menziesia pilosa
minnie bush
small-leaved linden
Tilia cordata
small-leaved lime
Aster dumosus
bushy aster
Cirsium flodmanii
Artemisia cana
woolly thistle
silver sage
Russian thistle
Seriphidium canum
gray sage
Pilea involucrata
Salsola kali tenuifolia
friendship plant
Russian tumbleweed
Eira barbara
grey sage
Russian cactus
silver sagebrush
Indian breadroot
Psoralea esculenta
fragrant agrimony
pomme de prairie
Agrimonia procera
Ranunculus lingua
pomme blanche
greater spearwort
hoary alison
blue-headed vireo
Vireo solitarius solitarius
Berteroa incana
hoary alyssum
Hydrastis Canadensis
smut grass
yellow spiny daisy
carpet grass
stiff aster
American arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis
Aster linarifolius
northern white cedar
turmeric root
silky dogwood
yellow root
Haplopappus spinulosus
white cedar
golden seal
Cornus obliqua
Sporobolus poiretii
turbinella oak
smooth alder
Aster arenosus
Ranunculus repens
genus Paliurus
hazel alder
Myricaria germanica
creeping crowfoot
creeping buttercup
false tamarisk
Alnus serrulata
heath aster
German tamarisk
sheep plant
Peperomia argyreia
vegetable sheep
genus Laportea
American hazel
sweet buckeye
Roman nettle
Corylus americana
Peperomia sandersii
watermelon begonia
Haastia pulvinaris
Urtica pipulifera

English words for 'perennial Eurasian nettle established in North America having broad coarsely toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs'

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