coast lily
Lilium maritinum
Sida spinosa
Indian mallow
wood lily
Lilium philadelphicum
Lilium superbum
Turk's cap-lily
golden stars
Bloomeria crocea
golden star
Michigan lily
Lilium michiganense
Oregon lily
Columbia tiger lily
Lilium columbianum
California poppy
Eschscholtzia californica
orange milkweed
butterfly weed
Indian paintbrush
desert mariposa tulip
Asclepias tuberosa
Calochortus kennedyi
chigger flower
tuber root
pleurisy root
genus Hippeastrum
Lupinus arboreus
tree lupine
Prunus subcordata
Pacific plum
coral honeysuckle
trumpet flower
trumpet vine
trumpet honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens
false indigo
Sierra plum
bastard indigo
Amorpha californica
bottlebrush buckeye
dwarf buckeye
large yellow lady's slipper
narrow-leaved flame flower
Talinum augustissimum
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
Antirrhinum coulterianum
celandine poppy
white snapdragon
Brugmansia sanguinea
red angel's trumpet
Stylophorum diphyllum
Datura sanguinea
Uvularia grandiflora
wood poppy
Fritillaria micrantha
brown bells
Fritillaria parviflora
Cypripedium acaule
moccasin flower
Hamelia patens
Papaver heterophyllum
Christmas berry
Platystemon californicus
horsefly weed
Photinia arbutifolia
Oregon holly grape
Mertensia virginica
scarlet hamelia
holly-leaves barberry
California fuchsia
Stylomecon heterophyllum
flaming poppy
Epilobium canum canum
rattle weed
humming bird's trumpet
Baptisia tinctoria
indigo broom
Heteromeles arbutifolia
wind poppy
Oregon grape
Virginia cowslip
Virginia bluebell
Hamelia erecta
scarlet bush
Zauschneria californica
Mahonia aquifolium

English words for 'orange-flowered lily of Pacific coast of United States'

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