Cypripedium californicum
California lady's slipper
swamp azalea
swamp honeysuckle
Rhododendron viscosum
white honeysuckle
Habenaria leucophaea
prairie white-fringed orchis
prairie orchid
scented penstemon
Penstemon palmeri
balloon flower
coastal rein orchid
Carpenteria californica
Habenaria greenei
summer sweet
Tellima grandiflora
Clethra alnifolia
white alder
false alumroot
pepper bush
sweet pepperbush
fringe cups
Monardella lanceolata
mustang mint
Habenaria orbiculata
round-leaved rein orchid
white snapdragon
yellow honeysuckle
Antirrhinum coulterianum
Nemophila maculata
Lonicera dioica
Hydrangea arborescens
wild hydrangea
holly-leaves barberry
Mahonia aquifolium
bog candles
elegant brodiaea
Habenaria dilatata
Coreopsis gigantea
giant coreopsis
bog rein orchid
Linanthus dichotomus
Brodiaea elegans
mountain grape
Oregon grape
Oregon holly grape
ground pink
yellow mariposa tulip
fringed pink
scarlet bugler
moss pink
Penstemon centranthifolius
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Calochortus luteus
five-point bishop's cap
hot-rock penstemon
Mitella pentandra
sego lily
Epipactis gigantea
Lathyrus splendens
stream orchid
Penstemon deustus
butterfly bush
Calochortus nuttallii
giant helleborine
West Indian snowberry
Chiococca alba
pride of California
seaside daisy
Habenaria albiflora
Erigeron glaucous
white fringed orchid
beach aster
Penstemon linarioides
narrow-leaf penstemon
elegant Habenaria
Habenaria elegans
white fringed orchis
meadow bright
pale coral root
flannel bush
little golden zinnia
woodland star
Zinnia grandiflora
Corallorhiza trifida
Tellima affinis
Lithophragma affine
early coral root
Lithophragma affinis
California beauty

English words for 'often having many yellow-green orchids with white pouches growing along streams and seeps of southwestern Oregon and northern California'

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