mountain clubmoss
Lycopodium selago
little clubmoss
fir clubmoss
Picea obovata
Siberian spruce
wolf's milk
leafy spurge
starry saxifrage
Saxifraga stellaris
star saxifrage
umbrella tree
umbrella magnolia
Magnolia tripetala
Euphorbia esula
lace fern
white cedar
Thuja occidentalis
northern white cedar
American arborvitae
Cheilanthes gracillima
genus Hudsonia
evergreen thorn
Jersey fern
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
Anogramma leptophylla
false mistletoe
annual fern
false wintergreen
Pyrola americana
Crataegus oxyacantha
false azalea
scaly fern
American hop
Ceterach officinarum
Humulus americanus
scale fern
Menziesia ferruginea
fool's huckleberry
Asplenium ceterach
Ophrys muscifera
fly orchid
common bird cherry
mountain fetterbush
mosquito fern
European bird cherry
poker heuchera
Heuchera cylindrica
floating fern
Carolina pond fern
mountain andromeda
Azolla caroliniana
poker alumroot
Ophrys insectifera
hagberry tree
Pieris floribunda
Prunus padus
bay willow
Acer spicatum
hog cranberry
evergreen winterberry
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
wild cranberry
Calochortus elegans
laurel willow
Wolffia columbiana
Salix pentandra
Ilex glabra
mountain box
common wolffia
elegant cat's ears
sand berry
cabbage worm
star tulip
bear's grape
red bearberry
mountain maple
common bearberry
mountain alder
Inga edulis
ice-cream bean
Rocky-mountain maple
Quercus ilex
evergreen oak
holly-leaved oak
holm tree
Acer glabrum
holm oak

English words for 'of northern Europe and America; resembling a miniature fir'

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