mountain pride
Penstemon newberryi
Lewisia rediviva
moss pink
Linanthus dianthiflorus
fringed pink
ground pink
scarlet bugler
Rudbeckia laciniata
Penstemon centranthifolius
cutleaved coneflower
Talinum brevifolium
pigmy talinum
trailing four o'clock
trailing windmills
Allionia incarnata
Gypsophila paniculata
Spergularia rubra
sand spurry
baby's breath
Symphoricarpos alba
Parry's penstemon
Penstemon parryi
common snowberry
sea spurry
dwarf buckeye
bottlebrush buckeye
Cercis occidentalis
western redbud
California redbud
leatherleaf saxifrage
genus Lewisia
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia
Vaccinium caespitosum
dwarf bilberry
Talinum calycinum
rock pink
dwarf blueberry
genus Medinilla
Parietaria difusa
Sedum rosea
wall pellitory
Cotoneaster dammeri
Leucothoe racemosa
sweet bells
Rosa spithamaea
sand phlox
Phlox stellaria
Phlox bifida
chickweed phlox
Lewisia cotyledon
ground rose
siskiyou lewisia
Tiarella unifoliata
false mitrewort
Spartium junceum
dove's foot geranium
Geranium molle
weaver's broom
false miterwort
Lasthenia chrysostoma
Spanish broom
Clintonia andrewsiana
false dragonhead
golden star
balloon flower
false dragon head
red Clintonia
Australian grass tree
Richea dracophylla
golden stars
scented penstemon
Penstemon palmeri
Bloomeria crocea
Physostegia virginiana
obedient plant
Andrew's clintonia
Fumaria claviculata
genus Cassiope
spreading fleabane
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Corydalis claviculata
Weigela florida
Erigeron divergens
climbing corydalis
Erigeron speciosus
showy daisy

English words for 'mat-forming plant with deep pink flowers on short erect leafy stems; rocky places at high elevations from Oregon to California'

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