Lythrum salicaria
spiked loosestrife
purple loosestrife
Culvers physic
Culver's physic
Hypericum virginianum
Culver's root
Culvers root
genus Xyris
Veronicastrum virginicum
marsh St-John's wort
black-eyed Susan
Hibiscus trionum
bladder ketmia
Fritillaria pluriflora
marsh milkweed
trumpet weed
adobe lily
Aster acuminatus
Eupatorium purpureum
whorled aster
pink fritillary
purple boneset
Joe-Pye weed
common comfrey
Symphytum officinale
red osier dogwood
red dogwood
Cardamine douglasii
red osier
Cornus stolonifera
purple cress
American dogwood
dwarf buckeye
bottlebrush buckeye
bitter floom
marsh pink
Sabbatia stellaris
rose pink
Sabbatia Angularis
American centaury
water carpet
three-seeded mercury
Chrysosplenium americanum
Acalypha virginica
water mat
Chenopodium album
Oxalis violacea
wild spinach
violet wood sorrel
blue fleabane
herb roberts
Erigeron acer
Calycanthus occidentalis
herbs robert
rice-grain fritillary
Fritillaria affinis
dusty miller
California allspice
Fritillaria mutica
mission bells
Fritillaria lanceolata
Geranium robertianum
beach wormwood
herb robert
Artemisia stelleriana
old woman
Ranunculus sceleratus
celery-leaved buttercup
Jatropha urens
hairy willowherb
Epilobium hirsutum
Amorpha californica
black fritillary
bastard indigo
spurge nettle
wild coffee
tinker's root
Triostium perfoliatum
devil nettle
cursed crowfoot
Cnidoscolus urens
false indigo
Jatropha stimulosus
Fritillaria biflora
horse gentian

English words for 'marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States'

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