Alsobia dianthiflora
lace-flower vine
Episcia dianthiflora
Habenaria nivea
snowy orchid
Culver's physic
Culvers physic
Nabalus alba
Prenanthes alba
Virginia crownbeard
Veronicastrum virginicum
Culvers root
Verbesina virginica
Culver's root
white lettuce
Habenaria albiflora
white fringed orchis
white fringed orchid
false baby's breath
Allegheny spurge
Pachysandra procumbens
mountain avens
Dryas octopetala
wild madder
Galium mollugo
white madder
Allegheny mountain spurge
white bedstraw
Northern bedstraw
upland white aster
white milkweed
Aster ptarmicoides
Northern snow bedstraw
Galium boreale
Asclepias albicans
Solidago bicolor
genus Prunella
Habenaria dilatata
bog candles
bog rein orchid
fly honeysuckle
American fly honeysuckle
heath aster
Lonicera canadensis
genus Aerides
Hydrangea arborescens
wild hydrangea
Aster ericoides
Our Lady's mild thistle
milk thistle
pitch apple
Asclepias incarnata
Magnolia virginiana
sweet bay
swamp laurel
Clusia major
swamp bay
swamp milkweed
blessed thistle
holy thistle
strangler fig
bastard feverfew
Silybum marianum
lady's thistle
Parthenium hysterophorus
Clusia rosea
Onopordon acanthium
cotton thistle
woolly thistle
coast boykinia
wild pink
Boykinia elata
Onopordum acanthium
Scotch thistle
white prairie aster
Boykinia occidentalis
common comfrey
hooded ladies' tresses
Aster falcatus
Silene caroliniana
Symphytum officinale
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Gentiana crinita
Gentianopsis crinita
Malva sylvestris
West Indian snowberry
tall mallow
high mallow
Chiococca alba

English words for 'low-growing creeping perennial of Central America having deeply fringed white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Episcia'

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