friendship plant
Pilea involucrata
Roman nettle
Urtica pipulifera
Zigadenus elegans
fool's huckleberry
alkali grass
Eriophyllum lanatum
Menziesia ferruginea
false azalea
golden yarrow
sweet fern
Comptonia asplenifolia
Comptonia peregrina
oconee bells
Shortia galacifolia
black sumac
Rhus copallina
mountain sumac
shining sumac
dwarf sumac
beef plant
Iresine reticulata
great Solomon's-seal
Iresine herbstii
bride's bonnet
broccoli raab
Rhus glabra
Buckleya distichophylla
queen's cup
smooth sumac
beefsteak plant
Polygonatum commutatum
Clintonia uniflora
scarlet sumac
vinegar tree
Polygonatum biflorum
broccoli rabe
poker alumroot
early coral root
pale coral root
poker heuchera
Heuchera cylindrica
Helleborus viridis
green hellebore
Corallorhiza trifida
fringed pink
ground pink
moss pink
toothache tree
sea ash
Asplenium viride
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Zanthoxylum americanum
Zanthoxylum fraxineum
green spleenwort
Dirca palustris
Pieris floribunda
mountain fetterbush
trailing arbutus
Erigeron divergens
Pachysandra procumbens
Spartium junceum
Allegheny spurge
spreading fleabane
Spanish broom
weaver's broom
bushy aster
Aster dumosus
Epigaea repens
mountain andromeda
Allegheny mountain spurge
senga root
senega snakeroot
white spruce
buckwheat tree
Nolina microcarpa
bear grass
senega root
Seneka snakeroot
Cliftonia monophylla
Seneca snakeroot
genus Wyethia
Picea glauca
Polygala senega
Gaylussacia brachycera
Carlina acaulis
stemless carline thistle
box huckleberry

English words for 'low stingless nettle of Central and South America having velvety brownish-green toothed leaves and clusters of small green flowers'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "low stingless nettle of Central and South America having velvety brownish-green toothed leaves and clusters of small green flowers". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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