Lilium pardalinum
panther lily
leopard lily
Lilium philadelphicum
Lilium superbum
Turk's cap-lily
wood lily
Lilium columbianum
Columbia tiger lily
Oregon lily
Michigan lily
Lilium michiganense
wild meadow lily
Lilium canadense
meadow lily
wild yellow lily
Canada lily
Lilium catesbaei
tiger lily
pine lily
tuber root
pleurisy root
Indian paintbrush
chigger flower
Asclepias tuberosa
orange milkweed
butterfly weed
red poppy
Crataegus coccinea
Crataegus pedicellata
violet-flowered petunia
red haw
Petunia integrifolia
Papaver heterophyllum
flaming poppy
Stylomecon heterophyllum
wind poppy
fringed poppy mallow
Callirhoe digitata
Papaver argemone
prickly poppy
prairie lotus
Gomphrena globosa
globe amaranth
prairie bird's-foot trefoil
Lotus americanus
bachelor's button
compass plant
prairie trefoil
purple sanicle
star ipomoea
common four-o'clock
red violet
Ipomoea coccinea
pale violet
Viola striata
Mirabilis jalapa
Mirabilis uniflora
cream violet
striped violet
Sanicula bipinnatifida
red morning-glory
long-spurred violet
downy yellow violet
Viola rostrata
Viola pubescens
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
oconee bells
Shortia galacifolia
large yellow lady's slipper
Habenaria psycodes
Teucrium chamaedrys
Wisteria floribunda
Asclepias purpurascens
Lobelia cardinalis
purple silkweed
Erigeron pulchellus
Bidens trichosperma
Indian pink
Bidens coronata
purple-fringed orchid
wall germander
Brugmansia sanguinea
red angel's trumpet
cardinal flower
tickseed sunflower
Japanese wistaria
purple-fringed orchis
Datura sanguinea

English words for 'lily of western United States having orange-red to crimson maroon-spotted flowers'

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