Clitoria mariana
butterfly pea
leather flower
Clematis versicolor
dryland berry
Vaccinium pallidum
dryland blueberry
Christmas berry
Lycium carolinianum
Collinsia verna
blue-eyed Mary
Lonicera sempervirens
trumpet vine
Campanula rotundifolia
trumpet flower
coral honeysuckle
trumpet honeysuckle
common grape hyacinth
Salvia lancifolia
Muscari neglectum
alder-leaved serviceberry
mouse ear
blue sage
Mertensia virginica
Salvia reflexa
Amelanchier alnifolia
Canada moonseed
Myosotis scorpiodes
Virginia cowslip
yellow parilla
Menispermum canadense
Virginia bluebell
white honeysuckle
common moonseed
alderleaf Juneberry
Lonicera albiflora
Lupinus perennis
bird's-foot violet
sundial lupine
Lyonia lucida
old-maid's bonnet
fetter bush
great lobelia
Viola pedata
blue cardinal flower
wild lupine
Veronica beccabunga
pansy violet
Lobelia siphilitica
shiny lyonia
European brooklime
Indian beet
wood violet
genus Hippeastrum
low blueberry
Vaccinium angustifolium
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
low-bush blueberry
Symplocus paniculata
sapphire berry
Asiatic sweetleaf
common camas
silky dogwood
red osier
blue toadflax
Cornus stolonifera
American dogwood
silky cornel
Camassia quamash
Gentiana crinita
old-field toadflax
Linaria canadensis
Clintonia borealis
Gentianopsis crinita
red dogwood
Cornus amomum
red osier dogwood
yellow clintonia
heal all
Gentiana procera
Geranium pratense
Gentiana calycosa
sugar sumac
Gentianopsid procera
explorer's gentian
meadow cranesbill
blue-eyed grass
Rhus ovata
Iris tingitana
Dutch iris
California bluebell

English words for 'large-flowered wild twining vine of southeastern and central United States having pale blue flowers'

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