Phacelia tanacetifolia
matilija poppy
Romneya coulteri
California tree poppy
ram's horn
Proboscidea louisianica
common devil's claw
proboscis flower
common unicorn plant
devil's claw
Argemone mexicana
humming bird's trumpet
Dalea spinosa
smoke tree
California fuchsia
Epilobium canum canum
Mexican poppy
Zauschneria californica
baby blue-eyes
Nemophila menziesii
California beauty
flannel bush
elegant brodiaea
golden crownbeard
golden crown beard
bush sunflower
Brodiaea elegans
butter daisy
Ximenesia encelioides
Verbesina encelioides
cowpen daisy
Castilleja sessiliflora
great plains paintbrush
pride of California
western poppy
Lathyrus splendens
Papaver californicum
blue false indigo
Baptisia australis
Campanula americana
Phacelia whitlavia
Phacelia minor
tall bellflower
Phacelia campanularia
tree lupine
California bluebell
Lupinus arboreus
Penstemon rydbergii
Zinnia acerosa
white zinnia
Rydberg's penstemon
Salvia reflexa
Mahonia aquifolium
Oregon holly grape
Oregon grape
yellow clintonia
Linanthus dichotomus
Schizopetalon walkeri
Clintonia borealis
Salvia lancifolia
heal all
holly-leaves barberry
blue sage
Euphorbia antisyphilitica
mountain grape
Rhus ovata
sugar sumac
Jones' penstemon
Penstemon dolius
desert mariposa tulip
Calochortus kennedyi
genus Tithonia
field speedwell
Haplopappus phyllocephalus
Fritillaria micrantha
camphor daisy
Fritillaria parviflora
Nemophila maculata
Veronica agrestis
brown bells
Pseudobombax ellipticum
shaving-brush tree
Gentiana calycosa
Gentiana procera
Gentianopsid procera
family Lennoaceae
explorer's gentian

English words for 'hairy annual of California to Mexico with crowded cymes of small blue to lilac or mauve flowers'

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