smoke tree
Dalea spinosa
southern harebell
Campanula divaricata
dryland blueberry
Vaccinium pallidum
dryland berry
Clintonia borealis
yellow clintonia
heal all
Salvia lancifolia
humming bird's trumpet
California fuchsia
Salvia reflexa
Epilobium canum canum
Zauschneria californica
Schizopetalon walkeri
blue sage
Phacelia tanacetifolia
pansy violet
wood violet
Baptisia australis
bird's-foot violet
blue false indigo
Viola pedata
long-spurred violet
Gentiana acaulis
Camassia quamash
common camas
Viola rostrata
Rhamnus croceus
genus Penstemon
matilija poppy
Euphorbia fulgens
purple sanicle
Rydberg's penstemon
large yellow lady's slipper
scarlet plume
sugar sumac
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
California tree poppy
Rhus ovata
Romneya coulteri
Sanicula bipinnatifida
Penstemon rydbergii
Cynoglossum virginaticum
prairie anemone
blue tulip
Viola blanda
Eastern pasque flower
white violet
woodland white violet
sweet white violet
explorer's gentian
wild crocus
American pasqueflower
Anemone ludoviciana
lion's beard
Gentiana calycosa
American pulsatilla
Pulsatilla patens
robin's plantain
Lupinus arboreus
Brodiaea elegans
tree lupine
Gentianopsis crinita
yellow parilla
Oregon grape
Erigeron pulchellus
Menispermum canadense
elegant brodiaea
Lasthenia chrysostoma
Gentiana crinita
Canada moonseed
Mahonia nervosa
common moonseed
narrow-leaf penstemon
Viccinium membranaceum
Aster shortii
genus Hazardia
thin-leaved bilberry
Penstemon linarioides
mountain blue berry
Short's aster
service tree

English words for 'greyish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States and Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "greyish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States and Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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