Habenaria lacera
ragged orchis
ragged orchid
ragged-fringed orchid
green fringed orchis
snowy orchid
Habenaria nivea
butterfly orchis
Epidendrum venosum
Encyclia venosa
butterfly orchid
green adder's mouth
Brassia lawrenceana
spider orchid
Malaxis ophioglossoides
Calopogon pulchellum
grass pink
Calopogon tuberosum
Habenaria albiflora
white fringed orchis
white fringed orchid
Calypso bulbosa
Brassia verrucosa
hooded ladies' tresses
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
fringed orchid
fringed orchis
Epipactis helleborine
broad-leaved twayblade
showy lady's-slipper
Cypripedium album
black fritillary
showy lady slipper
Fritillaria biflora
Cypripedium reginae
Coeloglossum bracteatum
mission bells
Listera convallarioides
common lady's-slipper
dove plant
satyr orchid
genus Pleurothallis
Encyclia tampensis
Epidendrum tampense
crested coral root
purple-fringed orchid
Hexalectris spicata
purple-fringed orchis
Habenaria psycodes
genus Angraecum
genus Angrecum
fly orchid
Cleistes divaricata
Fritillaria lanceolata
genus Calopogon
Pogonia divaricata
ram's-head lady's slipper
Cypripedium arietinum
Fritillaria affinis
genus Stelis
spreading pogonia
Fritillaria mutica
Vanda caerulea
funnel-crest rosebud orchid
blue orchid
rice-grain fritillary
purple-hooded orchis
purple orchis
Shortia galacifolia
Coeloglossum viride
oconee bells
Orchis spectabilis
showy orchis
frog orchid
lesser twayblade
Listera cordata
Ophrys muscifera
butterfly plant
Ophrys insectifera
Phalaenopsis amabilis
genus Bletia
genus Malaxis
united flower
genus Zinnia

English words for 'fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerated'

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