Acroclinium roseum
pink paper daisy
pink-and-white everlasting
Port Jackson heath
Epacris purpurascens
kangaroo-foot plant
kangaroo's paw
Anigozanthus manglesii
Australian sword lily
kangaroo paw
Caladenia cairnsiana
zebra orchid
desert pea
Felicia amelloides
blue daisy
blue marguerite
Templetonia retusa
Peruvian lily
Clianthus speciosus
Alstroemeria pelegrina
Sturt's desert pea
coral bush
flame bush
Clianthus formosus
Sturt pea
lily of the Incas
New Zealand spinach
Tetragonia tetragonioides
Tetragonia expansa
common heath
Fumaria fungosa
blunt-leaf heath
Adlumia fungosa
Epacris obtusifolia
Allegheny vine
climbing fumitory
Rhododendron maxima
Linnaea borealis
ice plant
grass poly
bog pimpernel
Olearia argophylla
Lythrum hyssopifolia
Jamaica rose
Hakea lissosperma
Cypripedium album
Cypripedium reginae
hyssop loosestrife
needle bush
showy lady's-slipper
Anagallis tenella
showy lady slipper
common lady's-slipper
showy milkweed
Hyacinthus orientalis
pink fivecorner
Asclepias speciosa
common hyacinth
Styphelia triflora
impala lily
Columbia tiger lily
Lilium columbianum
needle wood
mock azalia
Hakea leucoptera
scarlet runner
Oregon lily
running postman
kudu lily
desert rose
flat pea
Platylobium formosum
Adenium obesum
Kennedia prostrata
Adenium multiflorum
bottlebrush buckeye
Kennedia coccinea
Alpinia Zerumbet
pride of California
Languas speciosa
Alpinia speciosa
Lathyrus splendens
Epacris impressa
dwarf buckeye
kangaroo apple
coral vine
Solanum aviculare

English words for 'flower of southwestern Australia having bright pink daisylike papery flowers; grown for drying'

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