Lupinus arboreus
tree lupine
heal all
yellow clintonia
Clintonia borealis
holly-leaves barberry
Mahonia aquifolium
Oregon grape
mountain grape
Oregon holly grape
genus Daviesia
genus Penstemon
genus Colubrina
Benzoin odoriferum
Lindera benzoin
Benjamin bush
spice bush
narrow-leaf penstemon
American spicebush
sugar sumac
Rhus ovata
Penstemon linarioides
Templetonia retusa
silky cornel
flame bush
California poppy
genus Hakea
Eschscholtzia californica
California bluebell
Vaccinium angustifolium
silky dogwood
low-bush blueberry
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
Cornus amomum
coral bush
low blueberry
Phacelia campanularia
Gentianella quinquefolia
Gentiana quinquefolia
five-flowered gentian
ague weed
stiff gentian
Lycium carolinianum
butterfly pea
Amelanchier alnifolia
beach plum
Styphelia triflora
bottle gentian
beach plum bush
pink fivecorner
Gentiana andrewsii
elegant brodiaea
alderleaf Juneberry
Clitoria turnatea
blue pea
purple pea
Brodiaea elegans
Prunus maritima
closed gentian
blind gentian
Christmas berry
alder-leaved serviceberry
dryland blueberry
Sida spinosa
Symplocus paniculata
large yellow lady's slipper
Sanicula arctopoides
vinegar tree
Platylobium formosum
Indian mallow
flat pea
Rhus glabra
Vaccinium pallidum
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
genus Hazardia
sapphire berry
scarlet sumac
Asiatic sweetleaf
smooth sumac
dryland berry
Clethra alnifolia
Mertensia virginica
sweet pepperbush
summer sweet
white alder
pepper bush
Virginia bluebell
Virginia cowslip

English words for 'evergreen shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having showy yellow or blue flowers; naturalized in Australia'

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