yellow giant hyssop
Agastache nepetoides
Maximilian's sunflower
Helianthus maximilianii
Indian chocolate
purple avens
chocolate root
water avens
Geum rivale
Iliamna acerifolia
Iliamna ruvularis
mountain hollyhock
purple sanicle
Sanicula bipinnatifida
Tragopogon pratensis
winged pigweed
shepherd's clock
false lily of the valley
Cycloloma atriplicifolium
Maianthemum canadense
meadow salsify
Haplopappus acaulis
Stenotus acaulis
stemless golden weed
stone root
Collinsonia canadensis
maiden blue-eyed Mary
Collinsia parviflora
horse balm
hoary plantain
summer snowflake
Plantago media
Scabiosa arvensis
field scabious
sleepy dick
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Virginia mallow
Sida hermaphrodita
false heather
Anthemis tinctoria
Hudsonia ericoides
Euphorbia dentata
dyers' chamomile
yellow ironweed
golden marguerite
Actinomeris alternifolia
golden honey plant
yellow chamomile
golden heather
golden ironweed
Verbesina alternifolia
toothed spurge
Polygonatum biflorum
Malva moschata
American fly honeysuckle
Polygonatum commutatum
fringed pink
ground pink
striped coral root
Chenopodium glaucum
oak-leaved goosefoot
Stanleya pinnata
Corallorhiza striata
wild lily of the valley
Pyrola elliptica
fly honeysuckle
mus rose
moss pink
desert plume
Cleome pinnata
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Lonicera canadensis
great Solomon's-seal
musk mallow
oakleaf goosefoot
violet suksdorfia
Veronica peregrina
Penstemon davidsonii
Malva sylvestris
tall mallow
purslane speedwell
Allium tricoccum
Davidson's penstemon
wild leek
high mallow
Suksdorfia violaceae

English words for 'erect perennial with stout stems and yellow-green flowers; southern Canada and southeastern United States'

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