Linnaea borealis
Dianthus plumarius
cottage pink
grass pink
fringed pink
moss pink
ground pink
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Dianthus supurbus
cuckoo flower
Lychins floscuculi
Lychnis flos-cuculi
ragged robin
Cistus albidus
Fritillaria imperialis
crown imperial
white-leaved rockrose
Vaccinium caespitosum
dwarf bilberry
dwarf blueberry
Leucothoe racemosa
Japanese pink
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia
Dianthus chinensis heddewigii
spike heath
sweet bells
Erica carnea
spring heath
winter heath
Epacris purpurascens
sweet William
Port Jackson heath
Dianthus barbatus
Lythrum hyssopifolia
hyssop loosestrife
grass poly
common matrimony vine
shiny lyonia
Lycium barbarum
Lycium halimifolium
fetter bush
Duke of Argyll's tea tree
Lyonia lucida
tussock bellflower
violet suksdorfia
Campanula carpatica
Suksdorfia violaceae
spreading bellflower
Cercis occidentalis
common snowberry
Centaurium scilloides
tufted centaury
Symphoricarpos alba
western redbud
California redbud
Dianthus deltoides
Vincetoxicum hirsutum
maiden pink
Vincetoxicum negrum
negro vine
cheddar pink
false dragonhead
Diangus gratianopolitanus
obedient plant
false dragon head
Physostegia virginiana
Ribes uva-crispa
Teucrium chamaedrys
fragrant orchid
Bellis perennis
Alpinia speciosa
bottlebrush buckeye
wall germander
English daisy
dwarf buckeye
Ribes grossularia
Languas speciosa
Alpinia Zerumbet
common daisy
gooseberry bush
Gymnadenia conopsea
shell ginger
Syringa villosa
Indian lotus
sacred lotus
Nelumbo nucifera
Japanese lilac
Malva neglecta

English words for 'creeping evergreen subshrub of the northern parts of Europe and Asia with delicate fragrant tubular bell-shaped usually pink flowers borne in pairs'

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