genus Helianthus
heath aster
Aster arenosus
tulip gentian
genus Wyethia
Eustoma grandiflorum
prairie gentian
Aster ericoides
Anthemis tinctoria
genus Ratibida
golden marguerite
dyers' chamomile
yellow chamomile
Callirhoe digitata
fringed poppy mallow
Malva sylvestris
white alder
prairie mimosa
Clethra alnifolia
Asclepias incarnata
Desmanthus ilinoensis
sweet pepperbush
high mallow
pepper bush
summer sweet
purple loco
white mullein
Oxytropis lambertii
tall mallow
purple locoweed
Verbascum lychnitis
swamp milkweed
Scabiosa arvensis
field scabious
Ornithogalum umbellatum
summer snowflake
sleepy dick
bastard feverfew
Pachysandra procumbens
Parthenium hysterophorus
Allegheny mountain spurge
Allegheny spurge
genus Engelmannia
musk thistle
Carduus nutans
nodding thistle
Aster dumosus
bushy aster
hoary plantain
Aster acuminatus
wild pink
upland white aster
Aster ptarmicoides
Helenium autumnale
Silene caroliniana
autumn sneezeweed
genus Tellima
Plantago media
whorled aster
purslane speedwell
false lily of the valley
Maianthemum canadense
Gentiana crinita
Gentianopsis crinita
white-rayed mule's ears
Wyethia helianthoides
Veronica peregrina
balloon flower
whispering bells
yellow bells
false bugbane
Penstemon palmeri
American bugbane
Emmanthe penduliflora
California yellow bells
Cimicifuga americana
false rue
false rue anemone
Isopyrum biternatum
Trautvetteria carolinensis
scented penstemon
summer cohosh
Salvia azurea
blue sage
sweet bells
Leucothoe racemosa
Sida hermaphrodita
western saxifrage
Saxifraga occidentalis

English words for 'common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having flowers that resemble sunflowers'

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