mountain clematis
purple clematis
Clematis verticillaris
purple virgin's bower
blue jessamine
marsh clematis
Clematis crispa
curly clematis
blue jasmine
Stokesia laevis
cornflower aster
stokes' aster
Gentianella quinquefolia
ague weed
stiff gentian
five-flowered gentian
Gentiana quinquefolia
explorer's gentian
Gentiana calycosa
Ipomoea tricolor
Ipomoea purpurea
common morning glory
old-field toadflax
Viola canadensis
Canada violet
white violet
Linaria canadensis
tall white violet
blue toadflax
great lobelia
blue cardinal flower
Short's aster
Aster shortii
Lobelia siphilitica
blind gentian
closed gentian
bottle gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
Aster acuminatus
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
large yellow lady's slipper
whorled aster
downy yellow violet
Nemophila menziesii
Campanula americana
tall bellflower
baby blue-eyes
Viola pubescens
Campanula rotundifolia
wood violet
pansy violet
bird's-foot violet
Viola pedata
Decumaria barbata
common grape hyacinth
blue-eyed Mary
Collinsia verna
blue fleabane
Decumaria barbara
Erigeron acer
Muscari neglectum
old-maid's bonnet
Indian beet
wild lupine
sundial lupine
Lupinus perennis
Virginia bluebell
Clematis virginiana
leather flower
Salvia verbenaca
old man's beard
virgin's bower
wild sage
Salvia reflexa
vervain sage
Virginia cowslip
Clematis versicolor
wild clary
blue sage
Salvia lancifolia
Mertensia virginica
devil's darning needle
Lathyrus latifolius
perennial pea
broad-leaved everlasting pea
field scabious
Scabiosa arvensis
long-spurred violet
Eupatorium coelestinum
Viola rostrata
Conoclinium coelestinum

English words for 'climber of northeastern North America having waxy purplish-blue flowers'

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