Cornish heath
Erica vagans
Cistus albidus
white-leaved rockrose
Spanish heath
Erica lusitanica
Portuguese heath
broom tree
Lychnis coronaria
petty whin
rose campion
Genista anglica
needle furze
dusty miller
gardener's delight
mullein pink
Daboecia cantabrica
St. Dabeoc's heath
Connemara heath
sweet bells
Leucothoe racemosa
false rue anemone
Isopyrum biternatum
false rue
Centaurea nigra
Ornithogalum umbellatum
summer snowflake
lesser knapweed
black knapweed
sleepy dick
trailing arbutus
Allegheny mountain spurge
Allegheny spurge
Pachysandra procumbens
Weigela florida
Epigaea repens
Aster ericoides
common bog rosemary
marsh andromeda
holy clover
Onobrychis viciifolia
Onobrychis viciaefolia
heath aster
Andromeda polifolia
Malva neglecta
shepherd's purse
shepherd's pouch
spike heath
common mallow
Linnaea borealis
Geranium molle
Capsella bursa-pastoris
dove's foot geranium
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Menziesia ferruginea
sand spurry
sea spurry
Lycium halimifolium
Michaelmas daisy
Diangus gratianopolitanus
meadow saffron
autumn crocus
naked lady
Duke of Argyll's tea tree
Dianthus plumarius
fringed pink
Spergularia rubra
grass pink
Symphytum officinale
cheddar pink
common snowberry
false azalea
ground pink
Lycium barbarum
cottage pink
fool's huckleberry
moss pink
Symphoricarpos alba
New York aster
common comfrey
Aster novi-belgii
common matrimony vine
Colchicum autumnale
shell ginger
Languas speciosa
Alpinia speciosa
Alpinia Zerumbet

English words for 'bushy shrub having pink to white flowers; common on the moors of Cornwall and in southwestern Europe; cultivated elsewhere'

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