Habenaria albiflora
white fringed orchis
white fringed orchid
snowy orchid
Habenaria nivea
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
hooded ladies' tresses
Habenaria dilatata
bog rein orchid
bog candles
dove plant
Listera convallarioides
broad-leaved twayblade
Aplectrum hyemale
round-leaved rein orchid
Habenaria orbiculata
genus Calopogon
Solidago bicolor
ragged orchis
Boykinia occidentalis
ragged-fringed orchid
green fringed orchis
coast boykinia
Boykinia elata
ragged orchid
Habenaria lacera
Malaxis ophioglossoides
green adder's mouth
wild hydrangea
Calopogon tuberosum
Coeloglossum bracteatum
Hydrangea arborescens
satyr orchid
Calopogon pulchellum
grass pink
upland white aster
elegant cat's ears
sweet fern
Comptonia asplenifolia
Habenaria greenei
fly orchid
Calochortus elegans
Aster ptarmicoides
Comptonia peregrina
Alsobia dianthiflora
star tulip
coastal rein orchid
lace-flower vine
Episcia dianthiflora
Habenaria leucophaea
genus Spiranthes
prairie white-fringed orchis
Virginia crownbeard
Verbesina virginica
prairie orchid
Erechtites hieracifolia
alkali grass
Spiranthes cernua
showy orchis
spider orchid
Zigadenus elegans
Brassia verrucosa
Orchis spectabilis
white milkweed
purple-hooded orchis
Asclepias albicans
purple orchis
screw augur
Pieris floribunda
Dryas octopetala
mountain avens
Calypso bulbosa
mountain fetterbush
mountain andromeda
Listera cordata
lesser twayblade
American fly honeysuckle
Lonicera canadensis
fly honeysuckle
Helleborus niger
black hellebore
Hooker's orchid
winter rose
Christmas rose
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
Habenaria hookeri
Pyrola americana
false wintergreen

English words for 'bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers'

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