Betula fontinalis
Western paper birch
swamp birch
water birch
mountain birch
Western birch
white birch
Betula pubescens
downy birch
river birch
silver birch
common birch
European white birch
Betula pendula
Yukon white birch
Betula neoalaskana
Betula lenta
sweet birch
black birch
cherry birch
Betula nigra
red birch
birch sap
Pinus taeda
whitebark pine
loblolly pine
whitebarked pine
frankincense pine
Pinus albicaulis
grey birch
American gray birch
Betula populifolia
gray birch
American grey birch
smooth alder
hazel alder
Alnus serrulata
Garry oak
paper birch
Betula alleghaniensis
Swietinia macrophylla
Honduras mahogany
Quercus garryana
Betula leutea
Fraxinus tomentosa
Oregon oak
Oregon white oak
pumpkin ash
yellow birch
Salix pentandra
broad beech fern
limber pine
genus Swietinia
laurel willow
Pinus strobus
Dryopteris hexagonoptera
eastern white pine
Phegopteris hexagonoptera
bay willow
mountain pine
silver pine
Thelypteris hexagonoptera
western white pine
American white pine
weymouth pine
Pinus monticola
southern beech fern
Pinus flexilis
seaside alder
Alnus maritima
turkey oak
southern red oak
wing elm
winged elm
Ulmus alata
Drimys winteri
winter's bark
winter's bark tree
Quercus falcata
live oak
swamp red oak
chestnut blight
chestnut-bark disease

English words for 'birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark'

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