Betula nigra
river birch
red birch
black birch
Salix nigra
swamp willow
black willow
southern red cedar
Alnus serrulata
smooth alder
Juniperus silicicola
hazel alder
mountain birch
Western birch
swamp birch
Western paper birch
Betula fontinalis
water birch
Salix humilis
genus Calycophyllum
prairie willow
riparian forest
fever tree
swamp cypress
Pinckneya pubens
southern cypress
Pinus taeda
minnie bush
loblolly pine
pond bald cypress
Menziesia pilosa
bald cypress
frankincense pine
Georgia bark
eastern white pine
American white pine
weymouth pine
Pinus strobus
shore pine
Scots pine
Scotch pine
spruce pine
Pinus contorta
Fraxinus tomentosa
lodgepole pine
Pinus sylvestris
pumpkin ash
Scotch fir
genus Phragmites
Salix lasiolepis
Betula neoalaskana
arroyo willow
Yukon white birch
Betula lenta
Salix candida
broad beech fern
sage willow
cherry birch
genus Amelanchier
southern beech fern
Lycopodium alopecuroides
dwarf gray willow
dwarf grey willow
hoary willow
Salix tristis
sweet birch
foxtail grass
Phegopteris hexagonoptera
Dryopteris hexagonoptera
red cedar
Thelypteris hexagonoptera
Nyssa aquatica
possum oak
cork oak
sweet gale
Pinus serotina
Myrica gale
pond pine
water oak
Quercus nigra
Scotch gale
red buckeye
water gum
Quercus suber

English words for 'birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark'

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