marsh bellflower
Campanula aparinoides
corn mayweed
scentless camomile
scentless false camomile
scentless hayweed
scentless mayweed
Tripleurospermum inodorum
Matricaria inodorum
spreading bellflower
genus Xyris
Campanula carpatica
tussock bellflower
Hamamelis virginiana
Virginian witch hazel
Fritillaria recurva
scarlet fritillary
Campanula divaricata
southern harebell
sweet bells
Leucothoe racemosa
sleepy dick
Ornithogalum umbellatum
summer snowflake
genus Wyethia
Salix lucida
shining willow
Canada lily
Syringa persica
autumn sneezeweed
Helenium autumnale
meadow lily
Persian lilac
wild meadow lily
wild yellow lily
Lilium canadense
mule's ears
Wyethia amplexicaulis
sweet pepperbush
Clethra alnifolia
Verbesina helianthoides
Epigaea repens
pepper bush
summer sweet
genus Campanula
white alder
trailing arbutus
Penstemon barbatus
Rhus glabra
Indian mallow
heath aster
Zigadenus elegans
Sida spinosa
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia
golden-beard penstemon
leatherleaf saxifrage
smooth sumac
vinegar tree
genus Machaeranthera
Aster arenosus
alkali grass
scarlet sumac
false lupine
Thermopsis macrophylla
Chamaedaphne calyculata
yellow pea
golden pea
dog fennel
Calycanthus occidentalis
California allspice
Eupatorium capillifolium
Eastern cottonwood
Helianthus angustifolius
cow lily
necklace poplar
swamp mallow
common rose mallow
swamp rose mallow
Eriocaulon aquaticum
Menziesia ferruginea
Populus deltoides
rose mallow
swamp sunflower
Hibiscus moscheutos
yellow pond lily
Nuphar advena
Sedum rosea
fool's huckleberry
false azalea

English words for 'bellflower common in marshes of eastern North America having lanceolate linear leaves and small whitish flowers'

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